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1 Dorongo

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“Dorongo” is futuristic aural metropolis. Driving bass lines, modern jazz rhythm section, stoic horns and evergreen flute fuse with explosive synths, mashed game-boy beats, and flying arpeggios that glide in the air like hover crafts. Underpinning it all is a lush orchestra that invisibly embraces and elevates listeners on a soaring through-composed journey.


Release Date

April 28, 2023


"Think Flying Lotus and Jacob Collier combining to write the latest Blade Runner soundtrack, supervised by Thundercat, recorded by the Metropole Orkest."


"Amazing stuff - jazz funk and lush strings - what more could you ask for"

Tony Minvielle, JazzFM

"Heads will turn, you think you know this, think again as Nick Marks is a musical twister. And 'Dorongo' is a twisted jazz fusion of orchestrated funk bruk electronica - are I say, of Herbie Hancock proportions. Stunning."

Gerry Hectic, Jazz Chronicles

"The cinematic influence is clear, but it's also quite musical in this way that recalls the classic acid-jazz that was heavily influenced by fusion"

T-Bird, Something Else!

"Was a big fan of Nick's first single and this is a great follow up"

Kev Beadle, Totally Wired Radio

"Love this!"