debut ep Cinematic Chromatics vol. i coming sept 22
by Nick Marks September 30, 2023this is a surreal moment, announcing the upcoming release of first EP. Its not something I ever believed I would arrive it. Before this, I had always been the ‘invisible hands’ contributing to everybody else’s projects. What’s even more surreal is that this isn’t just an announcement for one EP, but actually a three part EP series that started back in 2020 shortly before the pandemic.
In Feb 2020, I’d just finished teaching a lesson on minor 11th voicings. I had an idea for a progression I really liked, and so a demo was born. This process was replicated, iterated and worked on, and the bare bones of a few other tunes were taking shape.
There was no goal set to create any kind of body of work. Just a set of ear-candy based ideas I thought were pretty dope, and one day maybe I’d actually record them and get them out into the world.
By Mid 2021, around 4 tracks were sitting in a folder labelled: ‘new tracks’. in a move that felt like taking a ‘plunge’, I decided to hit the studio in late July. COVID was still rampant: social distancing, testing before gathering and mask wearing were still requirements. So we started with drums. The sessions went so well, courtesy of Doron Lev, I came out only more inspired.
I then spent the next 3 months writing more tunes. By the end of November 2021, twelve tracks were created. Many of them brand new ideas I had, some of them were off cuts from ideas that were intended for other projects, but got rejected. More on that in later posts.
Suddenly I had enough material for an album. So that was what it was going to be. Until I started reading about how to release music in the current ‘environment’. The twelve tracks represent a cross section of genres, from cinematic jazztronica to hip-hop/neo-soul, lo-fi beats and neo-classical.
I wanted the release to represent one body of work, and create something that joined these dots. Accordingly, the format of a trilogy organically presented itself, and that is how this music will be delivered to you.
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