what’s in a name? the dorongo origins
by Nick Marks June 28, 2023The origins of the name ‘Dorongo’ come from two sources
track names are the last things i think of
(1) a tropical bird who is an accomplished mimic and can fake alarm calls that scare other animals away from food, which the drongo can then claim.
(2) a light-hearted Australian term for someone who is a fool / acts foolishly; can be used as a term of endearment, especially for a close mate
drummer extraordinaire , one of the most talented cats I know,
one of my dearest musical compadres and collaborators
the name ‘Dorongo’ was concocted by Dave Levy (🎺), another close compadre.
I’m not very good at choosing names for my tracks, or atleast that’s how I feel, so this became the placeholder name for my original session in ProTools. i always thought I’d eventually change the name to something else. but once we started tracking, ppl asked what the name meant, and after explaining, the positive energy for the title and the music created a synergy. I decided to leave it as is, and here we are. all from the brainwave of a random moment when Dave Levy wrote an email subject.

do you have fav drummer?
creativity can be random, many times a spur of the moment thing, without much thought, and often times the first idea can end up being the best

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